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100 Must-Solve LeetCode Questions to Ace Your Data Science Interviews
List Of 100 LeetCode Questions To Solve Before DS Interviews
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People claim that DSA is not asked in data science interviews.
They are not entirely incorrect, but how can you get into large firms like MAANG?
I recommend that you prepare your problem-solving skills because it is one of the first things they look for during the hiring process.
Add this article to your read list or bookmark it. You will need to practice this list of questions until you understand them and can code with your eyes closed. (just a metaphor)
How do I recommend you to proceed?
Well, you should not solve multiple questions at once. Solve 1–2 per day.
LeetCode is all about consistency; it’s never about how many problems I can tackle in a day.
If you are consistent and solve problems every day, your brain will be trained and grown into a problem-solving system (similar to how football players learn all types of skills and build muscle memory so that they can execute the same in a real match).